

Remember there is only ever one first impression.



Hard copy presentations are essential for every business. Leaving a copy of your presentation is a lasting reminder of your company.

Make a professional impression by leaving a top quality document.


A poor copy leaves a negative impression of your company and you.


We can adjust your presentation to ensure the best impression is left with your clients. 20+ years business to business marketing experience is available. Do not make mistakes  similar to the ones shown here.


Presentations are one of the most important tools in a sales or marketing toolkit.

-         Ensure that your presentation emphasizes the points that you wish to make and do not distract from the message you (or your company) are seeking to impart.

-         Always ensure that your message is relevant to the target audience and addresses their concerns or interests.

-         Use colour sensibly to enhance rather than detract from your message.

-         Check speling carefully, especially names or technical references. There is no excuse for basic spelling mistakes

-         Ensure that a palette of colours complement the presentation and do not make it difficult to read. This is vital when using overheads (yes, these still have a role to play) or Powerpoint in a large hall or arena.



These notes illustrate the pitfalls of using inappropriate colour in a presentation. The effect is poor and the message hard to read. All of the errors above have been made by seasoned professionals who ought to have known better. The inappropriate use of colours (in the word “Powerpoint” for example) made an important presentation at a Conference in the USA almost impossible to read. The message was lost & many of the target audience left too.